Here's How To Keep Your Online Bank Access Alive

Here are some common reasons why bank accounts are not accessible due to an individual’s mistakes and how to fix them.

<div class="paragraphs"><p>Representational Image (Photo by <a href=";utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_source=unsplash">Andre Taissin</a> on <a href=";utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_source=unsplash">Unsplash</a>)</p></div>
Representational Image (Photo by Andre Taissin on Unsplash)

One of the most frustrating things that people face when dealing with banking transactions is that they are unable to access their accounts digitally.

An important area for digital dealings is access to online banking, and, apart from technological issues, it's the mistakes made by individuals that often result in a lack of access. Not paying adequate attention can lead to having to do a lot of hard work and running around, which can be avoided.

Here are some common reasons why bank accounts are not accessible due to an individual’s mistakes and how one can tackle such a situation.

Not Activated

One of the reasons why a lot of people cannot log in to their bank accounts online is for the simple reason that they have not activated net banking at all. There are times when a person does not remember whether the online bank account access is activated or not, and the actual realisation comes when they try to use the online facility for some purpose and realise that they cannot login because the system will not allow it.

There is likely to be a specific procedure that has to be followed for the purpose of activating the net banking log-in, and sometimes it might even come to making a visit to a branch for some public sector banks to activate the facility.

Non-Use For Long Period

The other most common reason why net banking cannot be accessed is because the account has not been used for a long time period. This leads to the online login becoming inactive. This means that when one tries to log in, the system will not allow this, and the entire thing will have to be reactivated. This will include generating the password again and the authentication of several details, so it can take some time.

This happens frequently because the net banking facility might have been activated when there was some use for it at a certain point in time, but if there is no regular use, then there is a very good chance that it has become inactive. It is necessary to log in at regular intervals, even if there is no transaction to be made, so that this situation does not arise.

The other problem with this kind of situation is that there might not be a record of the login and the password, so first, the login details would have to be found out, and then a new password can be generated for the same. This can take quite some time and effort, especially when no details are available, so it is also important to ensure that the records about this are kept in a safe place so that they can be accessed when required.

KYC Not Complete

There is also another reason why sometimes access to the account is cut off and this would be that some documents or the know-your-client process that needs to be done for the account is not complete. The problem here would be that the account holder would be cut off from the various transactions that they can do in their account.

This is likely to result in a situation where the account holder would have to gather the necessary documents and then pay a visit to the branch of the bank and close out the matter. Once this is done, then the access would be restored and, hence, this becomes an important part of the process that has to be followed to get the internet login active.

Arnav Pandya is the founder of Moneyeduschool.

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