Tim Cook and Other Top Apple Executives to Testify in Qualcomm Trial

The Apple vs Qualcomm trial kicking off in San Diego next month will feature a star-studded cast, including testimony by both CEOs

(Bloomberg) -- The Apple vs. Qualcomm trial kicking off in San Diego next month will feature a star-studded cast in the dispute over chips used in iPhones, including testimony by chief executive officers Tim Cook and Steven Mollenkopf.

The CEOs are among the dozens of executives and engineers who are expected to take the witness stand, according to a joint witness list filed in federal court. Cook is expected to testify about Apple’s business strategy, financial performance and its agreements with other technology companies, among other topics, according to the filing.

The jury trial set to start April 15 could be a decisive face-off in the two-year global fight between the tech companies, with Apple challenging Qualcomm patent licensing practices and Qualcomm trying to recoup royalty payments that Apple and its Asian manufacturers stopped paying in 2017.

Witnesses from Apple may include Bob Mansfield, former head of hardware; Jeff Williams, chief operating officer; Phil Schiller, head of marketing; and Bruce Sewell, former general counsel. Qualcomm President Cristiano Amon and company co-founder Irwin Jacobs will be called to testify, as well as executives from the Asian manufacturers, including Foxconn, and from other makers of smartphones, such as Samsung Electronics Co., according to the witness list.

To contact the reporters on this story: Edvard Pettersson in Los Angeles at;Mark Gurman in San Francisco at

To contact the editors responsible for this story: Elizabeth Wollman at, Peter Blumberg, Steve Stroth

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