Bird Box Madness Sparks Dining Challenge on Long Island

Welcome to Netflix and grill.

(Bloomberg) -- Netflix and grill.

Netflix Inc.’s much-hyped movie "Bird Box" will be on the menu at the Milleridge Inn on Long Island on Friday.

In keeping with the film’s post-apocalyptic theme, diners will eat blindfolded with the movie’s soundtrack playing and the fear of supernatural monsters gnawing away at them. Their goal will be to finish the meal and be allowed into a safe area where they may remove their blindfolds and, probably not for the first time, watch the movie.

Bird Box Madness Sparks Dining Challenge on Long Island

This isn’t the first Bird Box challenge, and memes have garnered notable attention. But pawing through drive-thrus or toppling down escalators doesn’t come without risk, as anyone stumbling around in the dark will testify.

In something of a first for a movie distributor, Netflix tweeted out a warning on Wednesday advising fans to be extra careful out there.

To contact the reporter on this story: Hailey Waller in New York at

To contact the editor responsible for this story: James Ludden at

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