Pumped Hydro, Battery Storage To Shave Off India’s Peak Power Demand Of 458 GW By 2032

Pumped hydro and battery energy storage systems would become crucial in meeting the peak demand.

<div class="paragraphs"><p>Experts that NDTV Profit spoke to believe pumped hydro storage projects and battery energy storage systems can be of great help if the emphasis given on them bears fruit with timely commissioning of these projects.(Representational image. Source:&nbsp;<a href=";utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_source=unsplash">Unsplash</a>)</p></div>
Experts that NDTV Profit spoke to believe pumped hydro storage projects and battery energy storage systems can be of great help if the emphasis given on them bears fruit with timely commissioning of these projects.(Representational image. Source: Unsplash)
The National Electricity Plan 2023–32 has set the peak power demand at 458 GW by 2032, a significant increase from the current 240 GW. Does that mean India will need more thermal power capacity compared to 80 GW announced by the government earlier or would renewable energy with battery energy storage system and pumped hydro storage projects make up for the base load requirements?NDTV Profit has tried to analyse the scenario in the cu...
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