Jair Bolsonaro's Son Joins Steve Bannon's Nationalist Alliance

Jair Bolsonaro’s Son Joins Steve Bannon’s Nationalist Alliance

(Bloomberg) -- Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro’s son is joining former Donald Trump-adviser Steve Bannon’s Europe-based right-wing group, The Movement, as its representative in South America.

Jair Bolsonaro's Son Joins Steve Bannon's Nationalist Alliance

Eduardo Bolsonaro, a member of Brazil’s congress, will be leader of the populist-backing group in Brazil, “representing Latin American nations,” according to a statement issued Saturday by the group.

“We will work with him to reclaim sovereignty from progressive globalist elitist forces and expand common sense nationalism for all citizens of Latin America,” the younger Bolsonaro said in the statement.

Bannon’s Brussels-based The Movement is a loose allegiance of nationalist parties that was unveiled last year. They plan to launch at its first summit in Brussels later this month.

To contact the reporter on this story: Daniel Zuidijk in London at

To contact the editors responsible for this story: Katerina Petroff at, Steve Geimann

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