U.S. Jobless Claims Fall to Lowest Level Since Before Storms

Applications for U.S. unemployment benefits declined last week.

(Bloomberg) -- Applications for U.S. unemployment benefits declined last week to the lowest level since late August, before major hurricanes sent jobless claims soaring, Labor Department figures showed Thursday.

Highlights of Jobless Claims (Week ended Oct. 7)

  • Jobless claims decreased by 15k to 243k (est. 250k)
  • Continuing claims dropped by 32k to 1.89m in week ended Sept. 30, the lowest since December 1973
  • Four-week average of initial claims, a less-volatile measure than the weekly figure, fell to 257.5k from 267k

Key Takeaways

Jobless claims have returned to levels seen before hurricanes Harvey and Irma slammed into Texas, Florida and Georgia in late August and early September that eventually caused a spike in applications. While the Labor Department said the latest data still reflect the impacts of the Atlantic hurricane season, the number of filings for jobless benefits is consistent with a robust labor market.

Employers remain reluctant to dismiss people amid a shortage of qualified workers, which has kept claims hovering near the lowest level in more than four decades.

U.S. Jobless Claims Fall to Lowest Level Since Before Storms

Other Details

  • Prior week’s reading was revised to 258,000 from 260,000
  • Unemployment rate among people eligible for benefits fell to 1.3 percent from 1.4 percent
  • Claims were estimated for Virginia, South Carolina and the Virgin Islands

--With assistance from Patricia Laya and Jordan Yadoo

To contact the reporter on this story: Shobhana Chandra in Washington at

To contact the editors responsible for this story: Scott Lanman at, Vince Golle