Fitch Ratings On India’s Tightrope Walk Between Stimulus And Government Debt

India needs to walk a tightrope on balancing the macroeconomic need to spend with implications for government debt, says Fitch.

A young man balances on a tightrope. (Photographer: Dado Galdieri/Bloomberg)
A young man balances on a tightrope. (Photographer: Dado Galdieri/Bloomberg)
Increased government spending may be the right macro economic approach at a time when the Indian economy is facing its first recession in nearly four decades, but it will weaken the country’s credit metrics further. That’s according to Stephen Schwartz, head of Asia-Pacific sovereign ratings at Fitch Ratings.The rating agency, on June 18, changed the outlook on India’s rating to ‘negative’ from ‘stable’, citing the increase in the co...
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