U.S. Cases Rise 0.9%; Miami Area Pushes Forward: Virus Update

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(Bloomberg) -- New outbreaks in the U.S. have some states considering whether to pause reopenings. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo called for local governments to reinforce social-distancing guidelines following complaints about outdoor bar patrons congregating in large groups without masks.

U.S. regulators revoked emergency-use authorization for two malaria drugs touted by President Donald Trump as a Covid-19 treatment after determining they were unlikely to work and could be dangerous.

Retail outlets in England selling non-essential items opened on Monday for the first time since March. French President Emmanuel Macron said the pace of emerging from the lockdown will accelerate, and Singapore prepared to ease curbs.

Key Developments:

  • Virus Tracker: Cases pass 7.9 million; deaths exceed 433,000
  • U.S. virus cases continue to rise, undermining states’ reopening push
  • Oscar ceremony delayed until April after Hollywood upended
  • Johnson tells Britons to ‘shop with confidence’ as stores open
  • Shortage of safety supplies adds to U.S. reopening risks
  • New York’s Chinatown is starting over, and it’s painful

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U.S. Cases Rise 0.9%; Miami Area Pushes Forward: Virus Update

Second U.K. Vaccine to Begin Human Testing (5 p.m. NY)

A second experimental Covid-19 vaccine from the U.K. is starting tests in humans this week, relying on cutting-edge technology that scientists hope will allow hundreds of millions of doses to be produced quickly.

Imperial College London’s vaccine is backed by 41 million pounds ($52 million) in U.K. funding along with another 5 million pounds of donations, including contributions from the public, the government said on Monday. The work is based on technology called self-amplifying RNA. If the vaccine yields a promising immune response, larger trials would begin later in the year with about 6,000 volunteers.

California Governor Says Trends Remain Stable (4:50 p.m. NY)

As confirmed infections continue to climb in California, the hospitalization, ICU and positive test rates remain stable, suggesting that reopenings can proceed even as the state is “by no stretch of the imagination out of the woods,” Governor Gavin Newsom said at a press briefing.

“There was some sense that the hospitalization numbers would begin to increase,” Newsom said, discussing the increased socialization upon the state’s initial reopening on May 8 and Memorial Day weekend. “The trend line remains remarkably stable.”

Newsom emphasized that the ultimate decisions about reopening should be made at the local level because the severity of the pandemic varies across the state. California is currently assisting 13 of the state’s 58 counties with “targeted engagement,” providing additional resources to those that are seeing concerning data points.

“If a county doesn’t want to reopen, they don’t have to reopen,” he said.

San Francisco, which has had some of the state’s tightest restrictions, said Monday it would initiate another phase of its reopening, allowing indoor retail with restrictions for malls, small outdoor gatherings and professional sports with no in-person spectators.

U.S. Cases Rise 0.9% (4 p.m. NY)

Coronavirus cases in the U.S. increased by 19,244 from the same time Sunday to 2.1 million, according to data collected by Johns Hopkins University and Bloomberg News. The 0.9% increase was lower than the average daily increase of 1.1% over past seven days. Deaths rose 0.3% to 115,896.

  • Cases in Arizona, where concern is rising about a new wave, rose 2.8% to 36,719, according to the Johns Hopkins and Bloomberg News data.
  • Florida reported 77,326 cases, up 2.3% from a day earlier, compared with an average increase of 2.4% in the previous seven days. Deaths reached 2,938, an increase of 0.2%.
  • New Jersey’s death toll rose by 52 to 12,676, while new cases increased by 274 to 167,103, a 0.1% rise that was less than the 0.2% increase of the prior seven-day average.
  • California cases rose 1.7% to 151,452, compared with an average increase of 2.1% in the past seven days, according to the state’s website. Deaths rose 0.5% to 5,089.
  • Texas cases climbed 1.4%, less than the seven-day average of a 2.3% increase.

Toronto Under Lockdown as Ontario Reopens (4 p.m. NY)

Canada’s financial capital will remain under partial lockdown as Ontario gradually reopens other regions of its province after months of Covid-19 restrictions.

Niagara and Hamilton are among areas that will be allowed to reopen businesses ranging from hair salons to shopping malls, swimming pools and outdoor dining on patios as of Friday, Premier Doug Ford said Monday.

With new infections still too high, Toronto, Peel and the city of Windsor, just across the border from Detroit, are not part of the second phase in the province’s three-stage restart.

Miami-Area Mayors Won’t Restart Lockdowns (3:10 p.m. NY)

The mayors of Miami and Miami Beach said that while they’re cautiously watching indicators of a recent uptick in cases, they don’t currently plan to reinstate lockdowns or otherwise roll back reopenings.

Speaking at a press conference Monday, City of Miami Mayor Francis Suarez said it would take a concerning increase in hospitalizations to return to a stay-home scenario. He said cases and positivity rates among test batches were both increasing but that hospitalizations remained more stable.

He said he was concerned that two of the three main indicators -- meaning cases and positivity -- were trending in the wrong direction. Suarez and Miami Beach Mayor Dan Gelber, who spoke at the same event, said they would refrain from going into the next phase of reopening at this time, meaning night clubs and entertainment venues will stay closed.

Florida reported 77,326 Covid-19 cases on Monday, up 2.3% from a day earlier. On a rolling seven-day basis, Florida’s new cases reached 12,422, the highest level since at least early May, when the state began its phased reopening.

Governor Ron DeSantis, a Republican, has attributed the uptick to isolated outbreaks in agriculture communities and increased testing, although the latter explanation is contradicted by the rising positivity rate among test batches.

Ten Nations Account for Most New Cases: WHO (1 p.m. NY)

In the past two weeks, countries have reported more than 100,000 new cases almost every day, and 75% are coming from 10 countries, mostly in the Americas and South Asia, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the head of the World Health Organization, said at a briefing in Geneva. That means every day there’s more cases reported than during the first two months of the outbreak. There are many hot spots in Latin America, and cases are also increasing in Africa, the Mideast and Central Europe.

The cluster of cases in Beijing is a concern because the city had gone 50 days without reporting any infections, said Mike Ryan, head of the WHO’s health emergencies program. The WHO expects China to share genome sequencing data on that outbreak soon, as it has with other data, Ryan said. Covid-19 technical leader Maria Van Kerkhove said she is making a plea for all countries to share more genome sequence data.

N.Y. Cases Declining as State Reopens (12:44 p.m. NY)

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo Monday called on local governments to enforce social-distancing guidelines as the state reopens.

The number of coronavirus cases, hospitalizations and deaths continue to decline in New York, as other states are starting to see a second wave, Cuomo said at his daily briefing.

If numbers start to go up again in certain areas of the state, those regions will have to take a step back, he said.

New York, which at one point had the highest number of cases per capita in the nation, now is concerned about people from other states that have a high rate of increase traveling to the Empire State, he said. Early in the outbreak, some states tried to bar visitors from New York.

“Talk about a great irony,” Cuomo said.

Hospitalizations in the state declined by nearly 50 to 1,608 as of Sunday, and there were 25 virus-related fatalities on Sunday, according to state data. At one point, the daily number of deaths was almost 800.

The state is adjusting reopening guidelines, allowing regions in phase 3 to have gatherings of up to 25 people instead of just 10, because the number of positive cases remains so low, Cuomo said. Western New York will start phase three of reopening on Tuesday, and the Capital Region will do so on Wednesday.

FDA Pulls Authorization for Trump-Touted Drug (11:46 a.m. NY)

U.S. regulators revoked emergency-use authorization for two malaria drugs touted by President Donald Trump as a Covid-19 treatment after determining they were unlikely to work against the virus and could have dangerous side effects.

The Food and Drug Administration said Monday that chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine “are unlikely to be effective in treating Covid-19.”

U.S. States See Drop in Tax Revenue (10:15 a.m. NY)

Tax collections will fall by more than 30% in at least 10 American states due to Covid-19, according to a report from researchers at Arizona State and Old Dominion universities.

On average, states will suffer a 20% decline in tax revenue, the economists predict. New Jersey and New York have already reported sharp declines, while California is implementing higher taxes on corporations to help deal with the revenue shortfall.

Top London Office Views Up for Grabs (9:01 a.m. NY)

Insurance firms Hiscox Ltd. and MS Amlin Ltd. are weighing up slashing office space in London skyscrapers as they seek to cut costs. MS Amlin has appointed broker Savills Plc to sublease up to three of its floors at the Leadenhall building, known as the Cheesegrater, as it restructures part of its business, people with knowledge of the appointment said.

VW Sticks to Profit Goal Despite ‘Very Bad’ Second Quarter (7:54 a.m. NY)

Volkswagen AG is standing by its goal of posting an operating profit this year even as the collapse in car demand from the pandemic hits its second-quarter performance. The quarter is going to be “very bad,” and the German carmaker will have to be highly disciplined on spending to meet its target for the year, according to comments from Chief Executive Officer Herbert Diess and Chief Financial Officer Frank Witter at an internal meeting with managers.

Finland Ends Use of Emergency Powers as Pandemic Eases (7:32 a.m. NY)

Grounds for emergency laws invoked in March no longer exist, Prime Minister Sanna Marin told reporters in Helsinki on Monday. The government now seeks to amend legislation to give it the tools to deal with a possible second wave of infections. Several areas of Finland have seen no new cases in several weeks, and there have been fewer than 10 deaths in the country during June.

Singapore to Ease Curbs, Resume Most Activities This Week (7:15 a.m. NY)

Singapore will further relax restrictions this week as the government judged the health situation to be under control.

Most activities will be allowed to resume June 19 subject to safe distancing principles, according to a release from the Ministry of Health. Small social gatherings of as many as five people can take place, while individuals must maintain a distance of at least one meter at all times.

The move to enter the second stage of a three-phase easing plan comes as cases in heavily impacted foreign worker dormitories dropped, community infection rates remained stable, and no new large clusters emerged.

Kayak Sees Air Travel Rebound Still Years Away (7 a.m. NY)

Travel demand probably won’t return to last year’s levels until about 2023 because of the lingering impact of Covid-19, according to travel-search site Kayak.

On Monday, Booking Holdings Inc.-owned Kayak published a data site that allows visitors to track day-by-day how the pandemic has affected flight searches globally, relative to the same day last year.

Searches for domestic flights by Americans are down 42% from a year earlier, while international flight searches have declined 62%.

Germany to Buy Stake in Vaccine Developer (6:55 a.m. NY)

Germany will buy a stake in CureVac AG, a player in the hotly contested race for a coronavirus vaccine.

The government said it plans to purchase about 23% of Tuebingen-based CureVac for 300 million euros ($337 million) via development bank Kreditanstalt fuer Wiederaufbau, known as KfW.

France may also announce support for a national vaccine effort on Tuesday, during a visit to a Sanofi plant. And just days ago AstraZeneca Plc reached a supply deal for a possible inoculation with four European Union nations, including Germany.

Iran Death Toll at Level Seen 9 Weeks Ago (6:16 a.m. NY)

In Iran, 113 people died from the virus in the past 24 hours as daily fatalities remained at levels last seen nine weeks ago, the government said.

The nation’s total death toll is 8,950, and 2,449 new cases brought total infections to 189,876.

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