What's A Whitepaper In Cryptocurrency? What's Its Purpose?

More than 12,000 crypto coins are in circulation, including bitcoin, ethereum and tether
More than 12,000 crypto coins are in circulation, including bitcoin, ethereum and tether

As the world battled the coronavirus pandemic and its impact on global supply chains over the past two years, a new way of trading arose. Investing in cryptocurrency came naturally to those who hitherto invested in stocks, which showed subdued demand and lacked much potential for growth. The crypto market, though extremely volatile and unpredictable, touched new peaks, creating wealth for early movers. Although they have gained traction, many cryptocurrencies still face trust issues. And they may need some time to make people believe in their worthiness.

Still, more than 12,000 crypto coins are in circulation, including the leaders Bitcoin, Ethereum and Tether and the meme-based Dogecoin. However, many people see a potential for scam in the online medium of exchange or the technology vulnerable to hacking. So, it is necessary to have complete knowledge and regular updates about a coin before investing in it. But how do you get all the information that you need to know about a particular cryptocurrency? The answer to that question is a whitepaper which will give you that information.

What is a whitepaper?

Every coin has a “whitepaper” where all the information about it is stored. A whitepaper throws light on two major aspects of a crypto project – its purpose and the technology behind it. It contains historical performance and other data about cryptocurrency. A whitepaper also helps a coin differentiate itself from others.

Apart from information, a whitepaper gives legitimacy and a professional outlook to a crypto project. An elaborate whitepaper is encouraging, a badly drafted one is repulsive. The whitepaper, basically, is a proposal that contains who, what, when, and why an investor should choose that project over others. 

One of the most lucid whitepapers remains that of Bitcoin. The paper was published in 2008 by Satoshi Nakamoto, a pseudonymous person or persons who is credited to have developed Bitcoin. He outlined the vision behind developing Bitcoin, the oldest cryptocurrency, which was launched in January 2009.