Singh Brothers: Jail Or Bail?

The unholy mess that Malvinder and Shivinder Singh made of their business empire is now a subject matter at many a court in India.

Malvinder Singh, centre, and his brother Shivinder Singh, top right, are escorted by police officers from the Economic Offences Wing of Delhi Police. (Photographer: T. Narayan/Bloomberg)
Malvinder Singh, centre, and his brother Shivinder Singh, top right, are escorted by police officers from the Economic Offences Wing of Delhi Police. (Photographer: T. Narayan/Bloomberg)
Housed in Asia’s largest prison are two businessmen brothers who once owned one of India’s leading pharmaceutical companies. Central Jail, Tihar, mostly referred to as Tihar jail, describes itself as a model prison—advanced security systems, cable television, indoor outdoor games, even a baking school. The prison complex has nine central jails and 11,000 inmates, says its website that looks as if it hasn’t been updated in years.Time ...
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