Freight Customers To Get Priority For Allocation Of Rake Under Premium Indent

The premium indent is an optional scheme for customers
The premium indent is an optional scheme for customers

In order to facilitate freight customers and help in speedy delivery of goods through freight trains, the Railway Ministry has introduced a Premium Indent policy. Under this policy, if a freight customer places a request for a premium indent, the allotment of rakes will be given priority on two days as notified under the preferential traffic order issued by the traffic transportation directorate of the Railway Board from time to time, currently being from Monday and Friday. However, on other days, the regular order of priority of indents will follow. 

As part of the Indian Railways Premium Indent policy, the freight customer shall be required to pay five per cent premium on the normal freight which will be deposited in advance. If the rake is supplied later than the indicated date on the indent, the premium paid will be adjusted against the normal freight.

According to the Railway Ministry, some of the features under the Premium Indent policy are as follows:

  • In sidings, the freight customer can indicate a date of supply of rakes and also indicate whether he/she will load if the rake is supplied after the due date on normal tariff rate.
  • In the goods shed, the freight customer will be permitted to place a premium indent. They will get a priority for allocation on two days as notified under the preferential traffic order issued by the traffic transportation directorate of the Railway Board from time to time, currently being Monday and Friday. On other days, the normal order of priority of indents will follow. 
  • The premium indent once placed, cannot be withdrawn. The withdrawal of the indent will invite forfeiture of the premium paid.
  • This premium indent policy will not be applicable to the restricted destinations and destinations regulated by quota.