India’s Solar-Power Manufacturing Push Delayed, Again

India has extended a deadline to submit bids for building solar power equipment factories in the South Asian nation.

(Bloomberg) -- India has extended a deadline to submit bids for building solar power equipment factories in the South Asian nation, in another delay to its efforts to boost its nascent domestic manufacturing capacity.

The new deadline to submit bids for the tender is Sept. 11 , Solar Energy Corp. of India said on its website Monday. The tender seeks to set up four projects for module, cell, ingot and wafer manufacturing with an annual capacity of 500 megawatts each. In addition, developers have to build solar farms of up to 1.5 gigawatts of generation capacity.

India currently depends on cheap Chinese imports to offer low-priced clean electricity. It issued the tender in June after two earlier efforts to spur its domestic industry failed to rouse investor interest. The country’s first tender, issued in May 2018, was downsized and delayed multiple times. It was replaced by a smaller version in January, which was also delayed several times before being canceled.

To contact the reporter on this story: Anindya Upadhyay in New Delhi at

To contact the editors responsible for this story: Ramsey Al-Rikabi at, Alpana Sarma, Unni Krishnan

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