AIF Deals Worth Rs 20,000 Crore May Be Hit By RBI's New Norms To Curb Evergreening

Tens of AIFs involved in total deals worth Rs 20,000-25,000 crore have been found to be in violation of existing regulatory directions.

<div class="paragraphs"><p>A person holding Indian two rupees banknotes for photograph. (Photo: Usha Kunji/ Source: BQ Prime).</p></div>
A person holding Indian two rupees banknotes for photograph. (Photo: Usha Kunji/ Source: BQ Prime).
Tougher new rules governing bank and non-bank investments into alternative investment funds may hit deals worth over Rs 20,000 crore, two people with direct knowledge of the matter said. On Tuesday, the RBI said that regulated entities including banks and non-bank finance companies cannot invest in alternative investment funds which have downstream investments in debtor companies. If banks or NBFCs have such investments in AIFs, they...
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