After Wendy’s, Rebel Foods Explores More Such Tie-Ups

After Wendy's, Rebel Foods is looking for more tie-ups to help international food brands expand through cloud kitchens in India.

<div class="paragraphs"><p>A chef assembles a burger. (Photographer Andrey Rudakov/Bloomberg).</p></div>
A chef assembles a burger. (Photographer Andrey Rudakov/Bloomberg).
Having partnered with American burger chain Wendy’s, online restaurant operator Rebel Foods Pvt. is looking for more tie-ups with international food brands looking to expand through cloud kitchens in India.“I am not at liberty to give their names. But, hopefully, in the next couple of months, you will have another couple of brands operating under our umbrella, maybe in one shape or form,” Ankur Sharma, co-founder and chief busines...
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