Hong Kong’s Carrie Lam Meets New China Liaison, Vows to Curb Violence

Lam expressed hope that communication and cooperation between the two “would be enhanced down the road”.

(Bloomberg) -- Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam met with Beijing’s new liaison to the city, Luo Huining, at her official residence on Thursday, according to a government release.

Lam expressed hope that communication and cooperation between the two “would be enhanced down the road” to promote relations between the mainland and Hong Kong, according to the press release.

Hong Kong’s Carrie Lam Meets New China Liaison, Vows to Curb Violence

The two are confident “Hong Kong will be able to relaunch itself and open a new page, as well as better integrate into the overall development of the nation,” under the support of the central Chinese government, the release said.

The Hong Kong government is looking into relief measures to help people as a result of the economic downturn, Lam said in the meeting.

Hong Kong has fallen into recession after months of pro-democracy protests as tourism has suffered in the shopping and financial hub, especially from mainland China. In an interview with Bloomberg Thursday, Financial Secretary Paul Chan pledged to spend “boldly” to help shore up the struggling economy.

To contact the reporter on this story: Eric Lam in Hong Kong at

To contact the editors responsible for this story: Christopher Anstey at, Cecile Vannucci, Manuel Baigorri

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