Room for Complacency Closes as More Indians Reject Their Leaders

Room for Complacency Closes as More Indians Reject Their Leaders

(Bloomberg) -- As Indian equity markets cheer the ruling party’s victory in a key state, voters are sending a subtle message to their leaders.

Almost 2 percent of Gujarat voters chose the "none of the above" option, effectively rejecting candidates across the political spectrum in Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s home state. That’s higher than the shares of five of seven parties contesting the poll.

Room for Complacency Closes as More Indians Reject Their Leaders

The so-called NOTA -- the lowest button on India’s electronic voting machines after a list of candidates -- was introduced in India in 2013. It allows the citizen to exercise her democratic duty without having to opt for an undesirable candidate.

The use of NOTA in Gujarat accompanies the main opposition party’s strongest showing in more than two decades, having tapped into discontent against Modi’s economic policies. India faces a shortage of well-paying jobs, which may well be the main election issue when Modi faces re-election in 2019.

--With assistance from Manish Modi

To contact the reporter on this story: Ashutosh Joshi in Mumbai at

To contact the editors responsible for this story: Pradeep Kurup at, Jeanette Rodrigues, Candice Zachariahs

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