From SWIFT To Forex Reserves, Choice Of Russia Sanctions Bring Decades-Old Fears To Life

The sanctions used against Russia have driven home the dominance of developed markets on payment systems. Will it force a change?

<div class="paragraphs"><p>A shadow of man is cast on the ground. (Photographer: Seong Joon Cho/Bloomberg)</p></div>
A shadow of man is cast on the ground. (Photographer: Seong Joon Cho/Bloomberg)
Almost as far back as 2002-03, Reserve Bank of India veterans remember discussions on a key vulnerability in payment systems. It wasn't a technology glitch that the central bankers were worried about, but the outsized control that developed economies had on crucial parts of the payment infrastructure. A feature more than a bug. During those years and later, India -- like many emerging economies -- noted the dominance of the SWIFT mes...
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