SoftBank Vision Fund Employees Depict a Culture of Recklessness

Son’s firm is famous for making outsize bets on tech startups. It has also been described as an environment of sycophancy.

SoftBank Vision Fund Employees Depict a Culture of Recklessness
Masayoshi Son, chairman and chief executive officer of SoftBank Group. (Photographer: Akio Kon/Bloomberg)
(Bloomberg Businessweek) -- Every six weeks or so, the SoftBank Vision Fund, the biggest source of investment money flowing to Silicon Valley, convenes a multihour video conference call for 75 people on three continents to catch up on its startups. Masayoshi Son, the Japanese billionaire and founder of the fund’s parent company, SoftBank Group Corp., usually dials in from Tokyo. Masa, as Son is universally known, can be charming and ...
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