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Kerala To Become A Total E-Governed State

It would enable online delivery of a whole range of government services in all domains, according to a government release.

When Will Kerala Become A Fully E-Governed State?

Photo Credit: Twitter/Pinarayi Vijayan

On May 25, Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan will declare the state as fully ‘e-governed’, where delivery of government services would be digitised, transparent and fast, according to a government release.

A Major Step By India's Southern State

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It will be a major step in the state's journey towards a knowledge based society and economy, the release said.

Online Delivery Of Government Services

Photo Credit: GAD Government of Kerala website

It would enable online delivery of a whole range of government services in all domains. Kerala also emerged top in the National e-Service Delivery Assessment conducted by the Government of India.

To Help Bridge Digital Divide

It will also help bridge the digital divide, by making digital infrastructure affordable to all, which is critical in transforming Kerala into a digital society to achieve sustainable economic growth, the release said.

Ensures Inclusion Of All Sections

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The total e-governance will also ensure inclusion of all sections of the society, including the less privileged and marginalised.

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