


6 Things to Know About Chhattisgarh’s Healthcare Camps

Number of camps

District authorities confirm that a minimum of one such camp is setup every fortnight. The camps are scheduled according to the District Programme Management Unit under the orders of the Chief Medical and Health Officer.

Services provided

These health camps are equipped with all the required screening equipments. Health check-ups, tests and procedures are all free for the public. When a patient comes in, they are examined by the Medical Officer or the Assistant Medical Officer.

Swasthya Seva Raths

Also known as Mobile Medical Units (MMUs), these Swasthya Seva Raths are deployed in places that are inhabited by marginalised communities such as PVTGs (Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups) or in remote areas with high maternal-infant mortality and other morbidity ratios.


The health camps are not only used to treat patients in need. They are also being used to identify eligible individuals for government healthcare schemes such as the National Programme for Control of Blindness (NPCB), National Leprosy Eradication Programme (NLEP), Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan (PMSMA) etc.

Data collection

The data these camps collect can be used to introduce and implement other schemes at the village level. This is because people can be screened at every village in a tehsil and their information recorded. Subsequently, a roster can be formed to figure out which schemes are required and need to be implemented in the affected areas.

Spreading Awareness

As well as treating patients directly, these camps also serve to raise awareness about diseases and hygiene in order to educate people. This leads to avoidance of diseases in the future due to increased understanding amongst the public.


Chhattisgarh - Healthcare